Nowadays most popular social media is WhatsApp people use this social media more than other social media. But the shocking news is that people use Facebook with first ranking which got around 2500 million users and then Youtube users come in the second ranking of the war of social media with around 2000 million users. And Finally, WhatsApp comes with the third-ranking of social media in the world with 1500 million users interconnected with it.
But few days ago WhatsApp changed their Privacy Policy after that most of the poeple diverted throught Single Application and after that WhatsApp published Whatsapp respects protects your privacy. in the most of the Newspaper's front page.
The ranking of social media can be changed while you were reading this blog. But our main focus is on WhatsApp on which I am writing a blog article which can help you.
This social media launched in 2009 from that day WhatsApp working for its security. And the most important thing is Now people can access WhatsApp in Jio Phone because of this Jio Phone users are happy to avail these facilities in Jio Phone.
How you use Web WhatsApp?
Web WhatsApp help you to access whatsapp in your in browser. WhatsApp provide us web whatsapp facitlies which can be use. For using web whatsapp open in your browser. after that open whatsapp application in your smartphone. than click on three dots which is in the right side of the whatsapp screen and select WhatsAppp Web option. It will ask you to scan QR code after that scan QR code which is showing in the browser's screen. Now you are able to access whatsapp in your computer or any other devices. Now You can do whatever you what to do in WhatsApp.
Easy way to use WhatsApp API
First of all I would like to inform you that API stands for Application Programming Interface. and it help us to access some of the operation that can save our time.
Send whatsapp message without saving number
If you also want to send message to someone throught whatsapp but you don't want to save number in your smartphone than this trick will short out this problem you just need to type At the end of link write number instead of #tag and then press enter number of the person. See now you can send WhatsApp message to the person. This can be somehow stuff using this trick you in whatsapp application but you can send this link to anyone or use whatsapp as self notes. After that click on the link and it will open the chat screen for the person whom do you want to chat.
Use WhatsApp as self notes
WhatsApp self notes trick, I am using this trick from 3-4 years and it help me to save notes in my whatsapp and I easily can find out any of notes easily with this trick. WhatApp self notes mean Send whatsapp message on own number is the best trick to save some of infromation and ntoes. And you can show magic to your friends with this trick for doing this. You need to send the above link message to someone with your own number for example and click one this link. Now you can send message to own number. But one thing you should remeber you need to pin your own chat in the whatsapp so it will not get down from the top of your chat list.
Forward message or share any website from link on whatsapp
If you want to forward any text from from link at that time you can use After clicking on this link whatsapp will ask you to select people whom do you want to forward message.
If you want to forward any link you can type link instaed of YourTextMessage
Make custom whatsapp share button for web whatsapp
This trick only work if you want to make a share button on your Web page or Website. For making share button for whatsapp on your website you need to add achore link like the below code.
<a href=""><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Share This</button></a>
Output for above code:-
Click on Share This button it will open your whatsapp and ask you to choose person whom do you want to share this post. But it take some time to open whatsapp if you want to open whatsapp instantly you can use the below code but make sure the below code will not work for the web WhatsApp (for computer).
<a href="whatsapp://send?text="><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Share This</button></a>
Output for above code:-
I hope this code open your whatsapp instatly and ask you to choose person for share this link.